Om Orthodontic Clinic


Appendicectomy, also known as appendectomy, is a surgical procedure performed to remove the appendix, a small, thin tube attached to the large intestine. The appendix is not essential for normal body functioning, but if it becomes inflamed or infected, it can cause severe pain and other symptoms, which may require surgical intervention.

At our hospital, we provide excellent appendicectomy services with state-of-the-art equipment and experienced surgeons. Our team of doctors and nurses works diligently to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care throughout their entire treatment journey. We offer both open and laparoscopic appendicectomy procedures, depending on the patient’s needs and the severity of the condition.

Open appendicectomy is a traditional surgical method that involves making an incision in the lower right side of the abdomen to remove the appendix. Laparoscopic appendicectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a small camera and specialized surgical instruments to remove the appendix through several small incisions in the abdomen.

Our surgeons use the latest surgical techniques and technologies to ensure the most precise and effective treatment possible. We also offer personalized care plans for each patient to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process.

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of appendicitis, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, or loss of appetite, don’t wait. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced surgeons and learn more about our exceptional appendicectomy services.

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Ajit Gohil

M.S., F.M.A.S. (Gen Surgery)

General Surgeon ,Laparoscopic and Urological Surgeon

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